Sodalite, Blue

Traditional Properties: Believed to bring calmness to the mind; encourages truth and intuition; emotional balance and calms panic attacks.  It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Helps with electromagnetic pollution

Healing Properties: Considered to be helpful with the metabolism, immune system, calcium deficiencies, throat, vocal cords, larynx, digestive disorders, insomnia, fevers and diabetes.

Chakra: 5th (Throat) Chakra, 6th (Third eye) Chakra

Suggested Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Cancer

Showing all 8 results

  • “Confidence”



  • “Dynamism”



  • “Elegance”



  • “Honesty”



  • “Passionate”



  • “Rudraksha…Sodalite”



  • “Self Awareness”

    “Self Awareness”


  • “Truth”

